Thursday, 7 November 2013



"Our beloved country, India is rich in natural resources, sujal, sufal, jungles, minerals, fuel as coal etc. and most important of them is intelligent & diligent people who have achieved success in every field whenever the opportunity arise. But, our economic system has converted these resources & people into slaves of corporate & their bosses. Even, more & more peasantry is coming under the enslavement of these corporate. All the parliamentary parties, Govt. & executive are working as extension or political department of these corporate. Let alone the other natural resources i.e. 2G/3G spectrum, coal, mineral etc. which are properties of people of India and PSUs created with the wealth of people, the essentials of life like water, electricity are being handed over to these corporate who may be non-producers as in the case of electricity & they have become the monopoly supplier of electricity and fleecing the people at their will.

The corporate regime itself is corrupt. For example, if a personal produces a thing i.e. commodity or service; with his labour & sells it in the market, he gets the full value in exchange but if he produces the same thing after being hired by employer (around this the whole corporate system operates), he will only get his wages & rest of the value is kept by employer. Thus, this is the, the value of labour snatched from labour, is the profit of employer, now a-days corporate in main. Besides this these corporate creates monopolies to decide the value of product at their will.

Thus, fleecing the people in two ways; first by paying less as wages & second by selling their produce at higher prices. This loot is legalised by the law. But they even do not follow the laws & rules framed with their suggestion itself. All the parliamentary parties whether in Govt. Or opposition either receives funds from these corporate or spend their money in election to amass illegal wealth as bribe or embezzlement of public money. The constitution of India has been kept in selves to appease these corporate & these parties many a times indulge in un-constitutional activities yet they are the recognised by election commission. Thus, they act as brokers of corporate.

Now, let’s have a look at the electoral system, the basis of democracy. Everybody knows that crores of rupees are spent by candidates for elections. How many people in India can spend the amount in crores for them or their supported candidates? The Finance Minister in his budget speech said appx. 30,000 people have income over Rs. 1 crore. Let’s be more liberal & enhance our estimate to 2 lakhs. What we find? There are almost the entire population barring this minuscule minority of 2 lakhs who are only eligible to elect others as candidates & other 2 lakhs who are only eligible to get elected. What a democracy it is!!!

In both the fields, political & economical, financial oligarchy has established monopoly thus `loktantra` has become `dhantantra`. But to hide all this, they use the veil of democracy because in to-days world it is impossible to rule under naked dictatorship of corporate. So, there is drama of elections but during these elections, they don’t raise peoples issues rather they raise non-issues like secularism, communalism, corruption, chauvinism etc. & distract people from the real issues.

The result is in normal times people see all these parties with no hope & outsider them outsiders and are always looking for an alternative. But, during the time of election with frivolous issues & frivolous alignments e.g. Janata Party, Janata dal, NDA, UPA, third front Govts.; the people fall prey to their designs and are befooled. Now, with the upcoming election these corporate agent parties are releasing political advertisements just to hoodwink the people. So, it’s time people understand the character & nature of these corporate agent political parties & searching alternative avenues.

The alternative people’s agenda may be for living as ‘human-being’ not as ‘customers’ i.e. being useful if you money in pocket. So, the basic demands may be:-
1) universal education on the basis equal education policy,
2) universal equal health facilities,
3) employment to all according to qualification &
4) minimum wages to be based on necessities of life.
These demands are well with-in the ambit of `directive principles` & rights conferred upon on every citizen of India in `preamble` of Constitution on India."


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